Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Not According to Plan

I officially suck at blogging about my fit journey, but maybe that's because I have been sucking at my fit journey. 

My week two didn't pan out exactly as I'd planned, but I didn't want to let that bum me out.  I didn't run, but I DID get the house organized and was ready to literally hit the streets Monday morning.

Cue Sunday morning.....sore throat.  Thank you dh for telling me you had a sore throat AFTER we, well, you know, no need for details.

Cue Monday morning.....even worse sore throat.  I even hit the cold medicine hard Sunday to pre-empt a hard attack.  To no avail. I was however convinced that if I just put my shoes on and got busy I would start feeling better.  WRONG!

Cue Tuesday.  I was so out of it DH had to stay home from work(which he NEVER does) to help look after kids while I.....slept nearly all day.

Cue Wednesday.  Feeling better enough to blog, but to ick to exercise.  And let's face it I don't really need any excuses to not exercise.

I had visions of me at least ten pounds down by Thanksgiving, but with just a little over a week until T day I'm don't think I'll make it.  What I want to do is say "fuck it" and quit!  But for some reason I feel the need to put it out here and hope for some encouragement  and inspiration from those of you who are saying "hell yeah" and doin' it!


  1. Maybe I'm weird, but I say don't exercise while you are sick! It seems I just get worse (like bronchitis) when I exercise with a sore throat or runny nose. Get better and then hit the ground running!

    Ok, so you didn't make your 10 pound goal for Thanksgiving. What about Christmas? Where do you want to be for that?

    Get some rest. Rest your body. Rest your soul. Exercise can wait. I'm a bad influence I think.

  2. I do agree that you need to rest when you're sick. When you're getting better, you'll know when it's time to sweat out the last of the blahs. Remember your long term goals. There's no quitting!! This is your life and let's face it, even aside from health, life will be much more full and fun when we're fit. Just being able to truly express yourself through the clothes you wear is a big deal.
    I've been floundering, but not quitting! This week I had to stop working out because of an injury and decided I had to finally really face the challenge of the "diet". And also let go of my fantasy of losing so much weight by whatever time.. I just want to reverse the tide and lose instead of gain. Even a 200 calorie a day deficit will make a difference. And once you start doing that.... you'll want to do a bit more.
    Nothing is fun when you're sick and exhausted. Let yourself off the hook and make a solid plan to continue.
    I'm rooting for you!

  3. @fat mom...That last comment made me laugh out loud!
    @teresa...Good point. I seem to be an all or nothing personality so keeping in mind that even a 200 calorie deficit everyday will add up helps.

    Thanks to you both for the encouragement. It really is amazing what a little pep talk from someone going through a similar experience will do for my morale...especially when I surrounded by skinny people:)
