Monday, November 01, 2010

The Starting Line

Who is that?
No way!"

"Ew!"  I know you're thinking it.  Hell, I'm thinking it and it's ME in the pictures.  My head is cut off, but it's me in all my rotund glory. I know it's hard to look at so I will type fast and furious in an effort to allow a sooner scroll to remove this disgusting sight from thine eyes.  It's funny in a sad way that I actually walk around strutting this thing around like I look good....well, some of the time.  Other times I hide out in my house with sweats and a huge t-shirt so I don't have to feel like the "fat girl" everywhere I look.

So, let's see, the plan.  Ah, yes.  Run, fat girl, run!  I think this may be a movie title only with a boy, not a girl.  I will have to look into this and see if it may hold some inspiration for the journey, but I digress(as you will soon find happens too frequently).  The plan is simple.  I will run and blog.

Because of my extreme obesity, 274.2lbs to be exact, I will actually start with a walk/jog thing.  I will detail my "program" in a future blog. 

I also plan to do all of this anonymously.  Of course I will be detailing my experience through this blog so it is entirely possible that someone may recognize me, but seeing that the blogosphere is a large one and my friends and family are not frequenters I think I'll be safe.  I am hoping to get some other fat girl runners(fat boy runners count too) to read, share their successes, and keep me inspired to run all of this fat away.

And so without further adieu.
Runner on your mark....get set....GO fat girl GO!!!!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Girl, you have some balls! Major balls! I'll be cheering you on in your journey. It can be done. You can do it!!!

    And I use way too many !!!! when I write.

  2. It's easy to have balls when you've cut your face out of the picture:)
    Thanks for the encouragement. I'm just starting and, as you know, it's freakin' hard!!!!(I guess I like them too)

  3. Great job on the photos. I think I look very much like you (I still try not to look for too long at once).
    You're off to a strong start. I'm rooting for you!
